I’m going to start trying to do a regular astrology write-up again. This isn’t horoscopic; I won’t tell you what to expect for specific signs. What I will tell you is overall trends and energies and give suggestions as to ways to watch and ride them. My plan for this is to release it on the patreon to patrons on Wednesday the week before and publish it publicly the Sunday that the week starts. I’m going to keep working on it and see how it goes.

So, let’s start:

After the tumultuous stellar events of April, May’s second week seems relatively calm. The Moon is passing through the other planets, still clustered in the three signs of Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. The only aspects not formed by the moon is the gentle sextile from Saturn supporting the Sun and later on Venus, which suggests a boost of support, structure, and discipline.

The big event of the week happens on May 7th. It’s a new Moon in Taurus, occurring around 9 PM PST. This is a nice new Moon, I feel. Taurus is the garden, the gentle earth prepared for growth, and the new Moon is preparation for new growth and new beginnings. Venus is slowly advancing on it in a loose conjunction; the lesser benefic rules the sign and is hosting everyone else there, providing her support to their endeavors, even if she is a bit frazzled from having to be so close to the sun. The new Moon and Sun are also moving towards a conjunction with Jupiter, the greater benefic, who isn’t especially happy in Taurus but can handle it, even more so while Venus is in the house. This new Moon is flanked on either side by benefic planets, one of which is in domicile, and is supported by that sextile with Saturn.

It’s overall a good vibe. This new Moon is perfect for planning ritual or magic around beginning a long-term project. Even if you don’t do any sort of complicated magical or spirit work, it’s a great time to set intentions for the future. What sort of intentions? Things that you want to grow! The Sun is the center of our little system, and the Moon is what brings the divine light down to us, and they are meeting when flanked by the most pleasant planets in decent circumstances, and they’re all doing this in the Garden of Possibility that is Taurus while Saturn who rules discipline, hard work, and their fruits lends a hand from afar. Taurus is the fixed Earth sign; practical, hardy, sensual, and full. So aim for practical, long term growth with an eye to the things that will fill the void in your bellies or your bed. Magic to draw a partner, magic to draw a job, magic to support a new beauty or physical health routine, all are appropriate here. If none of those are what is needed but there is something else that you’re carrying the seed for, now is still the time to plant it; you aren’t going to get a better opportunity for a bit.

Not much else changes in the chart; this the planting of the seed and the silence after when it begins to connect to the soil; the sprouting will take a while. Mercury is in Aries alone with Mars; while Mercury doesn’t have a problem in Aries having Mars at its back and as its host means the messenger of the gods is bearing messages of war, so watch what you say and how you say it; the message will get through but you don’t want it causing damage in the meantime. As the week draws on the crunch occurring leading up to the Jupiter cazimi next week intensifies; the benefic energies of Venus and Jupiter are curbed as they both draw closer to the Sun and are overwhelmed by its heat. Pleasures and bounties may correspondingly run a little dry as the week wears on; take what joy you can and hold on to it, be careful what you spend and where, and carefully weigh balancing responsibility with excess on the weekend of the 11th and 12th.

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